Cuneiforms [noun]

Definition of Cuneiforms:

printing on paper

Synonyms of Cuneiforms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cuneiforms:


Sentence/Example of Cuneiforms:

The early inhabitants of Armenia, who have left us inscriptions in the cuneiform character, also belonged to it.

The history of cuneiform writing is especially instructive as regards the point under present discussion.

As M. mile Burnouf tells me, three dots in a row, in the Persian cuneiform inscriptions, denote royal majesty.

Burnouf, denote royal majesty in the Persian cuneiform inscriptions.

In regard to the history of these monarchies, much light has been obtained from the decipherment of the cuneiform inscriptions.

A flippant pupil once remarked that the Professor's face was furnished with a Babylonic cuneiform in lieu of features.

The Professor screwed up his face till it looked more like a cuneiform than ever.

The alphabets were all formed upon the same cuneiform principle, notwithstanding the variety in the languages which they served.

Both Genesis and the cuneiform documents measure the ark's dimensions by cubits, Berosus by stadia.

The name for Palestine in the cuneiform inscriptions is "Land of the Amorites."