Cursors [noun]

Definition of Cursors:

pointed weapon or symbol

Synonyms of Cursors:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cursors:


Sentence/Example of Cursors:

The more times the mouse sends this information, the smoother your cursor should move across the screen, whether you’re in the midst of intense game action or just moving around the menus.

Click once to establish a starting point and navigate your cursor around the object you want to select.

Here, you’ll be able to change the cursor size, color, and thickness as required.

To see more information about each goal type and some of the highlighted features each goal recommends, simply place your cursor over a goal.

Researchers began placing probes in the brains of paralyzed people in the late 1990s in order to show that signals could let them move robot arms or computer cursors.

Neuralink cites previous examples in which humans have used electrodes to control cursors and robotic limbs with their minds as the basis for its system.

That means that with a simple motion you can move your cursor from one computer to another.

Users who find this behavior distracting may keep their mouse or cursor in text-free areas such a margin or scroll bar.

Hover the cursor over the underlined text and the nature of the correction will appear.

The light-spot cursor and joy-stick method replace the light pen in this case.