Cuttlefishes [noun]

Definition of Cuttlefishes:


Synonyms of Cuttlefishes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cuttlefishes:


Sentence/Example of Cuttlefishes:

For the black ink (trmentum, 391) was occasionally substituted the liquid of the cuttlefish.

It is very similar to the ordinary cuttlefish, only, of course very much larger.

She leaned a bit heavily on the arm she took as they left the cuttlefish to his ill-conditioned solitude.

Another family—the Sepiad—contains the Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), the bone of which is such a common object on the beach.

The duke and his mother appeared to her as cuttlefish in a cave under perpendicular cliffs that ran into the sea.

Like the squids and cuttlefish, of which it was the prototype, it had an internal calcareous shell (Fig. 327).

Over the doorway itself is an arrangement of straw, an orange, a lobster, dried cuttlefish and more gohei.

A Greek looked at a cockle-shell or a cuttlefish as carefully as he looked at an Olympic conqueror.

Arthur bathed himself and his charge in a pool, after Tam had ascertained that no many-armed squid or cuttlefish lurked within it.

As soon as they reached the boat and the boy stood still a moment, the cuttlefish let go, and fell to the bottom of the boat.