Darkened [verb]

Definition of Darkened:

become shaded, unlit

Synonyms of Darkened:

Opposite/Antonyms of Darkened:

Sentence/Example of Darkened:

Lawrence handed the General the mysterious message and Schofield read it with a darkened brow.

Water-fowl that had not moved at the first alarm now sprang in myriads from reeds and sedges, and darkened the very air.

But wise and successful as were his methods, the glory of his rule was darkened by his harshness and greed.

A cold and mournful wind blew down the street, ruffling the darkened river.

Inside its darkened walls a single monk chanted his monotonous prayer before an altar.

A frown momentarily darkened the cloudless brow of Aristide Pujol.

Maloney moved back as Dr. Silence darkened the doorway and stooped to enter.

Then Kip had to duck back into a darkened doorway as Carlson retraced his steps, and got back into his car.

The shadow of this parting darkened the first year of his school life.

There were few lights outside, for the towns of Eastern England were darkened, like London, against air attacks.