Deepness [noun]

Definition of Deepness:


Synonyms of Deepness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Deepness:


Sentence/Example of Deepness:

And he had seen its wideness, its deepness, even though the merest trifle of it showed upon the surface of her courtesy.

This feature is rather intensified by the deepness of the hair-root.

Mrs. B. Deepness or darkness of colour, proceeds rather from a deficiency, than an abundance of reflected rays.

She whispered his name, but not for him to hear; at the deepness of his slumber she became emboldened.

The sentinels are striding idly around, and in the deepness of the night is heard their groanlike melancholy "Lis-ten!"

She was very deep in an innocent way, and I have come to the conclusion that such deepness is the most to be feared.

"Ye ken, that just beats the whole world for deepness," said the smith; and again began blowing the bellows.

And the deepness extends from the door jam, west edge of the door jam, westerly; is that correct?

The Arabs did not smile, but the deepness of their attention seemed to increase like a cloud growing darker.

Of this beauty of life, with its wonder and its deepness, this unknown glory, his fiddle had been the type.