Despoliation [noun]

Definition of Despoliation:


Synonyms of Despoliation:

Opposite/Antonyms of Despoliation:

Sentence/Example of Despoliation:

Whenever we can appropriate without despoliation or loss, or without a damaging monopoly, we tie the people to the backgrounds.

Without this natural protection it became a land subject to constant attack and despoliation.

Then came war, despoliation, and a thrilling period of wandering.

Antoine de Vergy had done the work of despoliation thoroughly.

Besides this was the home of a prominent loyalist, protected from despoliation by high authority.

When cleared enough to be entered the interior of the tomb presented a scene of utter despoliation.

Thus the origin of the Yaquis' struggle—a real struggle for life—was a despoliation perpetrated by the white people.

The ensanguined bones, with some fragments of the cartilage still adhering to them, showed that the despoliation had been recent.

So that by early education I was taught to think that the despoliation of the public, in certain ways, was a legitimate industry.

In the carvings he is really hanged, and the hangsmen are the geese of his despoliation.