Deteriorating [verb]

Definition of Deteriorating:

decay, degenerate

Opposite/Antonyms of Deteriorating:

Sentence/Example of Deteriorating:

The NFL toughened its coronavirus protocols Wednesday, as it attempts to complete its season amid deteriorating conditions nationally.

Yet much of the transportation infrastructure in the US is outdated, deteriorating, and badly in need of repair.

At the same time, the keys to controlling epidemic spread — test, trace, and isolate — were underutilized by a public health system that had deteriorated with a decade of fiscal austerity.

“If things deteriorate, that’d be a case where you would want to continue the facilities and maybe change them and have some new ones,” Powell said.

The air quality in Delhi and surrounding areas deteriorate significantly every winter, mainly owing to stubble burning in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab.

Warm temperatures can cause trout to deteriorate and spoil fast, but removing the entrails will slow that process.

When that happens, quality of life deteriorates and more people leave, perpetuating the cycle.

Smoke models can help public health officials warn residents when air quality is likely to deteriorate so that people can take actions to protect their health.

Tenants also claimed Kushner Companies’ property management arm, Westminster Properties, at times neglected basic repairs and allowed the property condition to deteriorate, including raw sewage flowing out of one kitchen sink.

As Prospect headed toward the September close of its 2018 fiscal year, its business began deteriorating rapidly, torpedoing the projections it had given potential buyers.