Dissolving [verb]

Definition of Dissolving:

melt from solid to liquid; mix in

Synonyms of Dissolving:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dissolving:

Sentence/Example of Dissolving:

Heavy and continued rain diminishes the quantity of carbonic acid, by dissolving and carrying it down into the soil.

A portion of the acid so obtained was further purified by dissolving in absolute alcohol and pouring into absolute ether.

This was confirmed by dissolving the lead chloride in hot water and precipitating as lead sulphide.

In the other vessel, copper is dissolving and the concentration of cupric-ion is increasing.

This blue is distinguished from smalt by dissolving in acetic acid.

Refined juice is prepared by dissolving the foreign701 juice in water, filtering and evaporating.

This has the effect of dissolving the witchery; and he is forthwith enabled to seize her and gallop off, not unpursued.

The dining room was real no more, dissolving under the bold stony promontory and the incoming West Sea.

If this can be carried out without dissolving the Union, we should like to know it; but how can it?

Fluor acid air is procured by dissolving the earthy substance called fluor in vitriolic acid.