Doorway [noun]

Definition of Doorway:

entrance hall

Synonyms of Doorway:

Opposite/Antonyms of Doorway:


Sentence/Example of Doorway:

To do a door-frame row, which targets your arms and back, stand in front of an open doorway.

This suggests that a dirty doorway keeps hornets from trespassing on the hive.

Now they bring visions of congressional staffers huddling under a table, angry men tossing a journalist over a barrier and a police officer crying out in pain as a chaotic crowd crushes him in a doorway.

The photographer said he thought the image was taken in a doorway near the northwest corner of the Capitol.

He couldn’t resist talking to a neighbor at his doorway when the building went off pandemic lockdown a few weeks ago.

We had been telling Joe stories and laughing, when he appeared in the doorway like a phantom.

You might walk through that doorway for years and never notice the scorch marks unless someone pointed them out.

In the back of the van, there were 20 gift-wrapped boxes they were giving to people camped out in doorways and tents.

Dig a small hole about 6 inches in diameter somewhere in the roof for ventilation, especially if you plan on blocking the entrance with a doorway like a backpack or big chunk of snow.

On the way back from the health care unit, Coleman alleged, the officer rammed his head into a doorway.