Downthrows [noun]

Definition of Downthrows:


Opposite/Antonyms of Downthrows:

Sentence/Example of Downthrows:

Instead of being discouraged by adverse attacks he had 212 gained new vigor from each downthrow.

Dikes and faults are denominated upthrow or downthrow, according to the position they are met with in working the mine.

Normal faults, of which Figure 184 is an example, hade to the downthrow; the hanging wall has gone down.

A thrust fault with a hade of 30°, showing cliffs due to harder strata outcropping on the downthrow.

Normal faults are exemplified in figs. 1, 2, and 6; in the latter the masses A and B are on the downthrow sides, C is upthrown.

The downthrow was not the work of one single act of disturbance—it went on for ages.

The higher side is called the heaved or upthrow side; the opposite side the thrown or downthrow side.

Under what circumstances should we term a fault a downthrow?

A dislocation is spoken of as a downthrow or an upcast, according to the direction in which it is approached.