Dreamy [adjective]

Definition of Dreamy:

illusory, romantic

Opposite/Antonyms of Dreamy:

Sentence/Example of Dreamy:

Since its makeover in 2015, the museum has activated this dreamy setting with walking trails.

It’s a dreamy, semi-surreal spot, as the adult Long is shown swimming through her orphanage, her first swim lessons, and in the Olympics.

Contributor Megan Michelson recently reported on the best Airbnbs to stay in near Zion and Bryce Canyon—dreamy.

Mrs. Newbolt was looking away toward the hills, a dreamy cast in her placid face.

These dreamy, Madonna-like beauties are the result of the most severe and protracted study.

Sondershausen is a dreamy, sleepy place, with so little life about it that you hardly realize there are any people there at all.

Finally he shook himself free from the dreamy spell of the place, and turned his face southward again.

The short answer did not please the young mother; neither did the dreamy tone in which it was spoken.

What have we to do with such dreamy, self-centred, emotional holiness, here and now in London?

He looked at Jessie in a vague, dreamy kind of way, though fortunately Lady Merehaven did not glance up and notice his face.