Dropping [verb]

Definition of Dropping:

fall in globules

Synonyms of Dropping:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dropping:

Sentence/Example of Dropping:

Before the scat party, other volunteers had walked along planned routes, searching for coyote droppings.

First a shower of shells dropping all along the lower ridges and out over the surface of the Bay.

Fancy that enormous shell dropping suddenly out of the blue on to a ship's deck swarming with troops!

Chief and most musical among these signs were the almost forgotten sounds of dropping water, and tinkling rills.

You often have fellows dropping in to your chambers at night; at my house we shall be secure from interruption.

She was only having a look; flying around the shipping and Headquarters camp at a great height, but dropping no bombs.

All stains and many reagents are best kept in small dropping bottles.

His glance darted toward the overhead doors which were dropping swiftly into place.

But at last, as he was on the point of dropping asleep, Madame Torvestad proposed that they should conclude with a hymn.

In a trice he speeded up the Comet and leaped forward toward the caon, sand and loosened pebbles dropping all around him.