Drumfires [noun]

Definition of Drumfires:

commotion, turmoil

Synonyms of Drumfires:

Opposite/Antonyms of Drumfires:

Sentence/Example of Drumfires:

With thunderous drumfire from its exhausts, the cutter jerked forward so rapidly that it almost threw them from their feet again.

So Billy sighed in the darkness and sat easily on Drumfire, his slim left hand fidgeting with the swinging rein.

Not far from us was going on a drumfire which at times reached an unprecedented intensity.

That night even the German guns stopped their drumfire, as though Sixt von Arnim's army was in mourning for its dead.

I remember the noise of our guns as all our batteries took their parts in a vast orchestra of drumfire.

A lot of the men say the drumfire is the worst, and a lot of them can't get over the sight of the first man they saw killed.