Earliest [adjective]

Definition of Earliest:


Synonyms of Earliest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Earliest:


Sentence/Example of Earliest:

“The sepoys have come in from Meerut,” he announced with the slow tick of the earliest form of apparatus.

Oddly enough this assumption—the most warrantable of the lot—was the earliest to fall under disrepute.

Yung Pak's earliest days were spent very much as are those of most babies, whether they live in Korea or America.

My earliest recollection in connection with railways is my first railway journey, which took place when I was four years of age.

Monsieur Farival thought that Victor should have been taken out in mid-ocean in his earliest youth and drowned.

As you have already been told, Yung Pak had from his earliest days been taught the deepest reverence and honour for his father.

From the earliest days great commanders have rubbed in the maxim, "If you attack, attack with all your force."

The earliest note we really have of thimbles being manufactured in Birmingham dates as 1695.

Opened as far back as 1834, it was amongst the earliest of the railway lines of the whole United Kingdom.

In personal appearance she was, in earliest childhood and through life, peculiarly interesting rather than beautiful.