Educate [verb]

Definition of Educate:

teach information, experience

Synonyms of Educate:

Opposite/Antonyms of Educate:

Sentence/Example of Educate:

Children should also be educated about AI and encouraged to participate in its development.

This staff needs to be trained, and voters need to be educated on the process.

The other trend evident from the map above is that Democrats are gaining ground in the affluent, well-educated counties around Philadelphia.

That means its leaders try to educate on what kinds of decisions would help Netflix thrive.

Together, they began forming the network of Drag Ambassadors and supplying them with information and materials to educate their own audiences.

San Diego Unified gets somewhere around $10,000 per student it educates.

Irani hopes customers approach his blends with curiosity, but he also tries to educate people on the origins of the spices and why they go together.

Location analytics is a segment that had perhaps 15 or 20 smaller companies competing to educate and capture brand advertising dollars.

According to the Pew study, Gen Zers are on track to becoming the most-educated generation in the country’s history, with a higher percentage going to college than any of their predecessors.

The Oregon Forest Resources Institute, known as OFRI, was created in 1991 to educate the public about forestry and to teach landowners about logging laws and sound environmental practices.