Email [noun]

Definition of Email:

the writing, sending, and receiving of messages electronically

Synonyms of Email:

Opposite/Antonyms of Email:


Sentence/Example of Email:

This URL can then be posted on social media, or sent in a text message, email or anywhere else.

Patrick Henry principal Michelle Irwin did not answer Voice of San Diego’s questions but sent an email to cheer families Tuesday night indicating the coaches were out.

The series will go out via email each Friday through this calendar year and can also be found on the Folger website.

The journalist who broke the NSA domestic spying story has told a Brazilian news program that emails from both leaders were being intercepted.

It might be quicker for you to find apps, emails or websites this way.

Despite the return to growth, retail sales momentum “remains the weakest link” in China’s economic recovery, Louis Kujis, head of Asia economics for consultancy and research firm Oxford Economics, said in an email.

In an email three days ago, the campaign had backed up its claim that Gloria “orchestrated” the deal with video of him discussing it at a 2016 Council committee meeting, rather than the NBC story.

The contractor will be responsible for all costs associated with the mission, NASA spokeswoman Stephanie Schierholz said in an email.

Spread Outlook across both screens and you get a list of emails on one side and the contents of a selected email on the other.

The attorney general’s office has received and processed 52 complaints about health care businesses and billing or price gouging related to the pandemic, a spokeswoman from the office said in an email.