Enervations [noun]

Definition of Enervations:


Synonyms of Enervations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Enervations:

Sentence/Example of Enervations:

I am feverish, horribly feverish, or rather I am in a state of feverish enervation, which makes my mind suffer as much as my body.

Of the voluptuous enervation that comes of such an hour he neither knew nor asked to know.

This increased use of oxygen means healthy stimulation, growth of lung capacity, and exaltation of spirit without enervation.

Even illness, with its resulting weakness and enervation, forced nothing from her.

The feminine trick was pardoned to her because her unaccustomed betrayal of that form of enervation was desired.

Luxury, enervation, and effeminacy are rife, and snobbery follows close behind them.

We are always conscious of the gentle enervation stealing over his faculties and the gradual loosening of his hold on life.

A certain pleasing numbness, a sense of grateful enervation exhaled from the scorching plaster.

A vast lassitude was weighing upon her, body and spirit were faint in the enervation of an inexorable disconsolation.

The result is general enervation, deterioration both as economic and political agents.