Engulfed [verb]

Definition of Engulfed:

absorb, overwhelm

Synonyms of Engulfed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Engulfed:

Sentence/Example of Engulfed:

For good or ill, the torrent of rebellion was suffered to break loose, and it soon engulfed a continent.

The three Taverneys were engulfed in a dark courtyard where the door closed upon them.

Scarcely had Frederick taken up his oars to row away from the ruins of the farmhouse, when the whole mass was engulfed.

Neither spoke to each other, nor to her, and both seemed to be part of the awful stillness that engulfed the world.

With his bark engulfed, no fate awaited him but to perish of hunger and cold, like the poor shipwrecked sailor on "The Man Rock."

The green island of Philæ also is engulfed, and of the beautiful temple of Isis built upon it only the upper portion is visible.

Though, as I never heard of anyone being engulfed entirely, I suppose there were bottoms somewhere.

He caught up the rifle, scrambled up over the side with the soldier's help, and was engulfed among his brothers.

In the stunned and sultry stillness that engulfed him, his whole being hung helpless like an empty sail.

Here the tides of battle twice engulfed it as it served alternately as a hospital for the wounded of each side.