Entrenchment [noun]

Definition of Entrenchment:

attack, encroachment

Synonyms of Entrenchment:

Opposite/Antonyms of Entrenchment:

Sentence/Example of Entrenchment:

You end up with a much longer-term impact of entrenchment of these inequalities that have arisen as part of the pandemic.

How little did she realize the long drawn-out agony that was even then beginning for her sisters in that ill-fated entrenchment!

They carried the intervening entrenchment of the enemy and forced their way into the town.

Gerrans Bay, of course, embodies the name, and so do the remains of the entrenchment or camp at Dingerrein.

Tregonning Hill, close by, is somewhat higher, and its summit has a fine entrenchment with a striking inner vallum.

The entrenchment showed like the rim of a saucer, and over its narrow line peeped the summit of the central tree.

It is here that we cross the line of the remarkable entrenchment known as the Danes' Dyke.

The great entrenchment of Flamborough is consequently the work of flint-using people, and 'is not later than the Bronze Period.'

Across the base of the salient ran a well-defined entrenchment.

At San Miguel the band of desperadoes came across an entrenchment manned by Spaniards.