Epicurean [adjective]

Definition of Epicurean:

loving food and finer things

Synonyms of Epicurean:

Opposite/Antonyms of Epicurean:


Sentence/Example of Epicurean:

In this way, escalating truffle prices aren’t just a benchmark for epicurean status.

The decline of Art was rapid as men became rich, and Epicurean life was sought as the highest good.

Much as I abhor the title of an epicure, on the other hand I feel proud of the title of genuine Epicurean.

I took you for a man of noble thoughts and exalted feelings; but I see now that you are a genuine Epicurean.

All the goods of life he tasted with epicurean zest; all the evils he bore with stoical indifference.

Is it an improvement to give up a simple life and lofty religious enthusiasm for materialistic enjoyments and epicurean display?

The genuine teaching of Epicurus he did not know; hence he considered himself an Epicurean.

The lot of whatever is most noble on the earth below falls not amidst the rosy Gardels of the Epicurean.

Apician, a-pish′yan, adj. relating to Apicius, the Roman epicurean in the time of Tiberius: luxurious and expensive in diet.

On his way to the mill he had dwelt with Epicurean indulgence on this sight of her, and he had not been disappointed.