Episcopal [adjective]

Definition of Episcopal:

concerning clergy

Synonyms of Episcopal:

Opposite/Antonyms of Episcopal:


Sentence/Example of Episcopal:

It would be a misfortune if the impression were created that preferment to the episcopal bench was confined to High Churchmen.

Many episcopal visitations took place during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries.

We content ourselves with full episcopal power as suffragans.'

A curious episcopal ring worn by St. Arnulf, bishop of Metz, in the sixth century, exhibits the well-known ichthyic symbol.

At other places, exasperated at the chiefs of the episcopal party, the communiers were demolishing their fortified houses.

In the Episcopal church a nurse is bolstering up a wounded officer in the area behind the altar.

To feel the odious tyranny of this law it should be remembered that there was but one Episcopal clergyman in the Colony.

He then laid on the table his episcopal decorations, and received a fraternal embrace from the president of the convention.

During the day he continued his examination of the episcopal correspondence which I have already summarized.

I insisted upon an immediate ceremony, and we were married by the rector of the Episcopal church in Louisville, October 5, '51.