Equated [verb]

Definition of Equated:

balance; think of together

Synonyms of Equated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Equated:

Sentence/Example of Equated:

The correspondence between elementary particles and representations is so neat that some physicists — like Van Raamsdonk’s professor — equate them.

However, the automation systems of the advertising platform will equate all of these conversions as valuable to the business and optimize its campaigns accordingly.

The city of Detroit had a 55% turnout, which equates to more than 250,000 votes.

Such wallets are often equated with the payment services offered by Apple and Google, but also include apps used to store Bitcoin and other new types of money.

Other analogies include equating breathing Delhi’s air with smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

In accordance with current New York state and city guidelines as of this publishing date, the restaurant has implemented 25% capacity for indoor dining, which equates to just 18 people.

That equates to one one-millionth of the original sound energy.

The mancus was equated with thirty pence, probably from the time of its introduction.

The Bog of Allen in Ireland is authoritatively equated with holland.

The accession of Theopompos was equated with that of Alcamenes by Eratosthenes.