Escorting [verb]

Definition of Escorting:

act as a companion, guard

Synonyms of Escorting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Escorting:

Sentence/Example of Escorting:

Birria — beef or lamb braised with a seasoning mix as complex as any mole — gets an escort of broth, conjured from meat and bones, that makes me feel more vigorous just by its aroma.

If you stay more than one day at the hotel, do not tax the proprietor with the duty of escorting you to the table more than once.

A glance over his shoulder showed him Wilkins and two guards escorting the old woman.

They were like silver gulls escorting limitless schools of porpoise through placid waters.

His voice trailed off as one of the escorting guards, impatient at the delay, took Dylara by one arm and urged her on.

Escorting remains from quarters to church before funeral services.

"About a quarter of an hour will bring you to the Molo," said the other, just as ill-pleased to have the duty of escorting him.

We had been rammed amidships by one of the escorting destroyers, but the breach was above the water-line.

Let us adjourn to the table, messieurs, said Monsieur Gerval, escorting the newcomers to the dining-room.

The men-at-arms and the archers followed, escorting six hundred wagons of victuals and ammunition and four hundred head of cattle.