Eternities [noun]

Definition of Eternities:


Opposite/Antonyms of Eternities:


Sentence/Example of Eternities:

It seems like seven eternities instead of seven days and nights!'

Punctuated by years, bursting from eternities of suppression, it brought an accumulated force that swept the soul out of my body.

They trembled visibly before solution of a problem which had puzzled them, as they would have said, “for eternities.”

In the antemortal eternities we developed with individual differences and varied capacities.

We are destined to exist through the eternities beyond the resurrection with spirit and body reunited.

The man is lost in the unbeliever's "narrow vale lying between two cold, bleak, barren eternities," viz: life.

Are we now thinking of immensities, eternities, and the cosmic process?

As some one has expressed it: 'Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities!

Thou, in the Eternities and deepest Death-kingdoms, art not an alien; thou everywhere art a denizen!

Truly, if a man cannot get some glimpse into the Eternities, looking through this portal,—through what other need he try it?