Evolves [verb]

Definition of Evolves:

develop, progress

Synonyms of Evolves:

Opposite/Antonyms of Evolves:

Sentence/Example of Evolves:

All these points Dr. Ginsburg evolves and elucidates with great scholarship and ingenuity.

It has been proved by Gréhant that a bunsen burner “lit below” also evolves large quantities of the same poisonous gas.

The priestly class evolves naturally into being everywhere as man awakens and asks questions.

He evolves the thing he needs, and the belief that fits one man will not fit another.

Every chemical process and every blow in nature or in art evolves it.

Bread made with such flour evolves a like odour on being toasted.

It is not collected in haphazard, accidental aggregations, but evolves according to its proper laws and special properties.

The hind leg in many animals evolves more rapidly than the front.

The human soul evolves from the savage to the saint—from animal instincts to the self-sacrifice of martyrs and heroes.

When made into a thick paste with water, it absorbs little of it, evolves hardly any heat, and soon indurates.