Executors [noun]

Definition of Executors:


Synonyms of Executors:

Opposite/Antonyms of Executors:


Sentence/Example of Executors:

And whenever stock is held by executors who are not united in voting it, they cannot vote at all.

I do not care to make any alteration in my will; and, as you know, you and brother Horace are my executors.

Probably not; for in that case executors or administrators would have touched it.

Wills must be proved and executors qualified, before either has any validity.

But his executors,—connections on the Ludlow side,—demurred to this.

Never mind what the executors or any one else says, George Harrington is not coming back.

Thus at first the Body of People present on the occasion were the law-makers, the law-appliers, and law-executors.

The executors of Sir John Crosby also contributed freely out of the funds they held in trust towards the same object.

It was published by his executors, and immediately took its place as the great national Epic of the Roman people.

It was evident, however, to the executors that difficulties were in the way of securing possession of the property.