Exhilarations [noun]

Definition of Exhilarations:

great happiness, excitement

Opposite/Antonyms of Exhilarations:

Sentence/Example of Exhilarations:

It gave us the exhilaration of speed and allowed us to see the world from a totally different perspective.

This glow of feeling and exhilaration gave a new impress of sweetness and fascination to her beauty.

Who shall sing in lyrical language the exhilaration of such splendid men's work?

At the words the flaming exhilaration of the man's face vanished and his eyes took on a poignant, distant look.

Stopping once more to cut wires and tear up the track, we felt a thrill of exhilaration to which we had long been strangers.

Presently the set concluded; and the next moment he was at my side in a high state of exhilaration, mopping and breathless.

In spite of all my grief I was a young man, and I was conscious of a keen exhilaration in these my earliest travels.

But no matter how barren nor how bare the immediate surroundings were there was a sense of exhilaration and freedom in the air.

The congregation, trembling with exhilaration, probed his meaning.

All her charm was in her eyes, her smile; there was a fragrance about her—an exhilaration.