Extremes [noun]

Definition of Extremes:

ultimate; limit

Synonyms of Extremes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Extremes:

Sentence/Example of Extremes:

Between these two extremes the Federal Reserve note, a new form of currency, has been introduced.

And the words, hitherto un-united, which are thus cemented together, are called Extremes.

It is sometimes asked, cannot “Analysis” cement together unconnected “Extremes”?

Since “extremes” are words with no relation between them, Analysis cannot find what does not exist.

By memorising a Correlation, you so unite the two extremes in memory, that you need not afterwards recall the intermediates.

After you have repeated the Correlation, then repeat the two extremes, thus—“Anchor” … “Bolster.”

Each of these pairs, he realised, was really a single state of which the adjectives represented the extremes at either end.

On the other hand, I simply ask the memory what it already knows about the “Extremes.”

I add nothing to the “Extremes,” import nothing from abroad in regard to them, invent nothing.

To such a pass are educators driven when they lack my Universal Method of cementing Extremes.