Fantastic [adjective]

Definition of Fantastic:

strange, different; imaginary

Opposite/Antonyms of Fantastic:

Sentence/Example of Fantastic:

It won’t matter how fantastic the weight feels if the top layer is itchy and uncomfortable.

The Aerospace goggles aren’t just fantastic for backcountry skiing—they would still be worth every penny if I never left the resort.

This jury-rigged approach is fantastic for getting intense browning on ingredients that might overcook if they’re farther from the heat, therefore taking longer to develop desired color and caramelization.

Your effort is rewarded with fantastic lookouts of Jordan Pond, Somes Sound, and the Atlantic, not to mention a long and wicked-fun descent.

If yours is a middle-class family, maybe you’re a lights-out student, or an incredible artist, or a fantastic musician, and you are going to be reaching for the credential that can open doors to worlds that your family could never otherwise imagine.

Doc has been fantastic at helping him get the ball in great spots with an advantage.

We’ll wait our turn and, if our turn is before the trials so that our athletes, coaches and officials can do it, fantastic.

We’ve had fantastic months, and we’ve had months that have been difficult.

Irving is a fantastic shot-creator and shot-maker, so even his contested jumpers are good shots.

If you’re new to gaming or just like something lighter in general, there are some fantastic beginning games with great effects.