Farsightedness [noun]

Definition of Farsightedness:

vision condition

Synonyms of Farsightedness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Farsightedness:


Sentence/Example of Farsightedness:

If the subject can read above the twenty-foot line and complains of headache from reading, farsightedness is indicated.

Still another defect of vision is known as presbyopia or farsightedness due to old age.

The line was successfully built and operated and the completed project was a monument to his enterprise and farsightedness.

Farsightedness can be remedied by convex glasses, since they bend the light and bring it to a closer focus.

Perhaps it was their very farsightedness that made the people of the church think of moving uptown.

All the Believers, confiding in their chief's farsightedness, set ardently to work.

(It is said in phrenology, that fixed attention, farsightedness and supernatural vision, are seated between the eye-brows).

He left the permanent stamp of his wisdom and farsightedness upon that valuable document.

His journal sets forth clearly his wonderful farsightedness and broad comprehension of the situation.

Fremont was never to be pardoned for having shown farsightedness when the great men deliberately blindfolded themselves.