Feebly [adverb]

Definition of Feebly:


Opposite/Antonyms of Feebly:

Sentence/Example of Feebly:

I felt like jumping in the air like Andy when I spotted that lone, feeble chanterelle in Hell’s Hollow.

At length only four or five flames remained, feebly wavering in their pools of melted wax.

She tottered up the steps, clutching feebly at the post before passing into the house.

The gas-lamps, too, seemed in a fog and struggled feebly against the blackness of the evening.

The Chamberlain, thus fiercely attacked, was very feebly defended.

Grey stone lime is feebly hydraulic, and makes a good mortar for ordinary work.

An invalid couch stood in front of the window, and upon it lay a pale, emaciated woman, breathing quickly and feebly.

More fiery than ever, she enfolded him in her arms, so that he was impregnated with a flame which he feebly resisted.

They quickened their strokes, and in a moment more came in plain sight of Harvey, struggling feebly to keep above water.

He wanted to speak, words would not come, his nerveless hand held the door so feebly that he almost fell backward.