Finals [noun]

Definition of Finals:

examination, quiz

Opposite/Antonyms of Finals:

Sentence/Example of Finals:

Among the three who had reached the finals was their guest of the previous evening.

The other two riders who had reached the finals were both experts in the saddle.

Each time was to be noted and the two lowest scores were to compete in the finals.

The subsequent loss of ǝ in finals has not affected the relation between sing.

And in passing, let us note that all education is preparatory—it is life that gives the finals, not the college.

Nobody could possibly start worrying about the finals for three months yet.

I was handsomely licked in the finals—four and three, I believe it was.

Quite a gallery turned out for the finals, and this time there was no delay.

It was felt that it would be too bad if the hostesses of the occasion were out of the finals.

If the first sets had been exciting, the finals were doubly so.