Finessing [verb]

Definition of Finessing:

maneuver, manipulate

Synonyms of Finessing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Finessing:

Sentence/Example of Finessing:

The cleverer man of the two lost the game by over-finessing.

They made for him boldly; there was no need of finessing in his case.

A right-down good hare Millichip turned out to be; doubling and twisting and finessing, and exasperating the hounds considerably.

He threw aside his first intention of finessing Belle into his bedroom on the plea of asking her to help him to pack.

Come, Chief Inspector, this finessing with me is highly improper on your part—highly improper.

To passage hawks, especially haggards, this finessing is the A B C of scientific flying.

That desire was the one real and substantial thing in a somewhat superficial, egotistic, and finessing character.

After some finessing, the Government showed a determination to go on with both bills.

And that shows that you are only a man after all; in spite of your finessing.

We hoped very shortly to try again, but considerable finessing was required to get the right sentinels upon the right posts.