Fissuring [verb]

Definition of Fissuring:

clear, expose; spread

Synonyms of Fissuring:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fissuring:

Sentence/Example of Fissuring:

The conspicuous symptom is a marked tendency to fissuring or cracking of the skin (eczema fissum; eczema rimosum).

One of the narrow valleys near Natchez, due to this fissuring, is now called the Mammoth Ravine.

Now and again these monsters would get caught in some vast fissuring of the ground, but not often.

The bone might be comminuted, but the fragments were of a more cuboid shape, and the long fissuring did not occur.

In all the Mauser specimens the longitudinal direction of the fissuring of the mantle is striking.

Fig. 30 illustrates complete longitudinal fissuring of the mantle.

The general tendency of longitudinal fissuring when it occurred to stop short of the articular extremities of the bones.

Fig. 61 is a diagram illustrating a fairly typical instance; in some cases no fissuring existed.

As a rule the nearer to the base, the greater was the amount of fissuring observed.

The amount of fissuring at the aperture of entry was often not so extensive as I had been led to expect.