Flapdoodles [noun]

Definition of Flapdoodles:

ridiculous situation or behavior

Synonyms of Flapdoodles:

Opposite/Antonyms of Flapdoodles:

Sentence/Example of Flapdoodles:

You're the last man I ever expected to hear that kind of flapdoodle from.

Ye know that boy, gentlemen; ye know how he uster lie round his father's store, reading flapdoodle stories and sich!

Ye remember how he sashayed round newspaper offices in 'Frisco until he could write a flapdoodle story himself?

It was the natural expression of two minds that were too great to be verbose or to monkey with social, conversational flapdoodle.

Reckoning a man's life by years is the biggest sort of flapdoodle.

For the benefit of the sportsman and gun crank who want plain facts and no flapdoodle, the following statistics are offered.

And there's no flapdoodle about him; and he never cried baby in his life.

Listen to me, Henry: we really haven't time for all that sort of flapdoodle now.

Give "Tommy" a lot less music and flapdoodle, and a lot more food of good quality, and he'll think a heap more of you.