Flavoring [noun]

Definition of Flavoring:

spice, extract added to food

Synonyms of Flavoring:

Opposite/Antonyms of Flavoring:


Sentence/Example of Flavoring:

It should be noted that whey doesn’t taste very good on its own, so flavoring is often added to increase its palatability.

The same holds true for the dairy, spices, flavorings and add-ins.

The expansion of Motif’s manufacturing capacity presages the commercial availability of its new flavoring, which should be on folded into consumer products by the fourth quarter of 2021, according to Motif chief executive Jonathan McIntyre.

Some varieties of snuff were named after the scents employed in flavoring them.

Artificial flavors are given to cigars, when some particular taste is to be satisfied, by the use of flavoring extracts.

In moistening Havana leaf Catalan wine is used, and other flavoring extracts.

Sodium chloride (table salt), an important part of the blood, is taken in as a flavoring upon our meats and vegetables.

I think I would like to have some bread with banana butter on and a glass of milk with vanilla flavoring.

These sirups are used for flavoring ice creams and water ices.

If you wash meat or poultry you destroy a certain amount of its flavoring and take away some of its nourishment.