Fora [noun]

Definition of Fora:


Synonyms of Fora:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fora:


Sentence/Example of Fora:

At Rome this was done by means of the so-called imperial fora, the latest and most splendid of which was that of Trajan.

Fora long time they toiled in silence, in the faint hope that life still remained in the apparently dead body.

Fora moment they did not move, struck motionless with surprise, while we stood over them, pistols in hand.

You hinted that you had met men who would give up everything fora fancy, he said.

The fora and atria were overcrowded with bronze and marble statues and groups.

"Plenty ob water on fora'd dar," said Cyd, pointing to the forecastle, which was often submerged in the heavy billows.

If I asked you to kill a certain man fora'd while he was asleep, would you do it?

France does not claim me fora citizen; neither do I set up any claim of citizenship in France.

Men as Dêmêtrius hira svn sa, lêt-er tham nêi sinra hove fora, ånd dêde alên mith him, as-er mith tham his suster dên hêde.

Hald hjam alond jow wåldich biste vm ra wither honk to fora.