Forcemeat [noun]

Definition of Forcemeat:

a food mixture

Synonyms of Forcemeat:

Opposite/Antonyms of Forcemeat:


Sentence/Example of Forcemeat:

Take some more tongue, pound and pass it through a sieve and mix it with the forcemeat.

Butter and fill up some cutlet moulds with the forcemeat, and steam them in the oven.

Make a stiff forcemeat from the breast of a fowl or pheasant, or the two breasts of partridge or grouse.

Make a forcemeat of the quails' livers, a small piece of calf's liver, and half their quantity of bacon.

Line a dish with this forcemeat, put in the snipe, and bake it for an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.

Make a forcemeat of three ounces of fat bacon, three ounces of fowl's liver, and cut both into pieces an inch square.

Procure a fine large fresh haddock and two smaller, of which to make forcemeat.

Leave the paper on in such a way that it can be easily removed when the forcemeat has steamed enough.

Make a forcemeat, wipe the hare dry, fill the belly with it, and sew it up.

Let it get cold and then mask the atelets (or skewers with the forcemeat, &c.) with it, and fry them quickly in butter.