Foregoing [adjective]

Definition of Foregoing:

come before; previous

Synonyms of Foregoing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Foregoing:


Sentence/Example of Foregoing:

Many so-called "humming tones" are given for practice, but in accepting them observe whether the foregoing principle is obeyed.

As before suggested, let the pupil recite the foregoing ten events forwards and the reverse way several times from memory.

The foregoing are all the Canadian mines now in work, as far as I have been able to learn, certainly all of any importance.

The hollowing of the "shell" is seemingly less delicate, but this may be taken as a natural result of the foregoing.

Nothing could well be more interesting or more suggestive to every one connected with the asbestos industry than the foregoing.

As a proof of the foregoing proposition, it is only necessary to know how cigars are made.

The foregoing undated report was written after his return to England from South America.

This is connected with the latter end of the foregoing chapter, and relates to the converts of Israel.

This objection is at once removed, when reflecting on our condition as incontrovertibly shown in a foregoing part of this work.

All the foregoing statements in relation to the person of the Father, are equally applicable to the person of the Son.