Fostered [verb]

Definition of Fostered:

promote, support

Synonyms of Fostered:

Opposite/Antonyms of Fostered:

Sentence/Example of Fostered:

All this helps to foster an authentic connection to a brand.

Diane Hoskins, co-CEO of Gensler, whose company has been surveying workers for the past 15 years, says people spend about half their time at the office on “individual-focused activities”—something their shrinking workspaces do not foster.

City Hall has often discussed fostering closer ties with Tijuana, but it’s always amounted to something of an afterthought.

Last year, the agency announced that private companies would be allowed to use the space station for a fee with the goal of fostering a low-Earth orbit economy.

“We feel good about the electorate going into the runoff,” Foster told Vox.

This could include requirements that they make data available to rivals, with the aim of fostering competition in digital markets.

Akella wants the superintendent to suggest deeper, more thorough changes that target the composition of Fairfax’s staffing force and focus on fostering a more diverse set of gifted students at an earlier age.

Our mentors and mentees are paired across teams to foster cross-team collaboration, learning, and a chance to get to know others within the company.

Other people have said, “No, it’s just we just need to change how we think about technology and use it to foster more of those sorts of healthy interactions.”

The result, Ruta Chingaza, will foster an appreciation of nature and better reveal the ecosystems upon which life and livelihoods in this area depend.