Friar [noun]

Definition of Friar:

man who devotes life to contemplation of god

Synonyms of Friar:

Opposite/Antonyms of Friar:


Sentence/Example of Friar:

It is also thought that the book was written by a Franciscan friar for the use of some one in a Benedictine house.

It is only,” replies the friar, “to grace and adorn my speech; it is the colour of a Ciceronian rhetoric.

A sharp eye was kept on all arrivals from abroad, and a friar, fresh from Portugal, was hanged in his cowl at Limerick.

He did not fare so badly either, for being plump and rosy he was allowed to personate the jolly Friar Tuck.

Then they had tea in the friar's cell, and afterwards Michael set out to walk back to St. Antoine.

He could not imagine anything more harmless than this Capuchin friar with the sore on his lip.

And albeit first the said Count demanded with cries to be shriven; yet did they not grant him a friar or a priest to confess him.

The friar falls asleep; the head speaks once and twice, and Miles fails to wake his master.

The boy understood and trotted off after the unconscious friar.

Tio Quico muttered some incoherent words: if the friars were going to turn theatrical advertisers, he would become a friar.