Futilities [noun]

Definition of Futilities:


Synonyms of Futilities:

Opposite/Antonyms of Futilities:


Sentence/Example of Futilities:

It also reveals the futility of trying to map fictional characters onto complex real-life situations — especially when they’re this unprecedented.

I edited hundreds of stories in 2020, so choosing my favorites would be an exercise in futility.

For most, 2020 has been a year plagued by feelings of hopelessness and futility.

That door and that sentry were obstacles which Garnache saw the futility of attempting to overcome without aid.

What oceans of futility one discovered, what mountains of pretense—and with what forests of scholarship grown over them!

Moreover their reiteration evidences their futility in attaining the objects they had in view.

But, probably realising the futility of such a course, he changed his mind, and delivered an ultimatum from the top step.

Altiora had been very emphatic and uncharitable upon the futility of the Socialist movement.

We have to go deeper, or our inadequate children's insufficient children will starve amidst harvests of earless futility.

The poor birds rarely resisted; experience had taught them long since the futility of such conduct.