Gaggles [noun]

Definition of Gaggles:

group, assortment

Synonyms of Gaggles:

Opposite/Antonyms of Gaggles:

Sentence/Example of Gaggles:

The defining image of Inauguration Day 2017 was a gaggle of cameramen photographing a flaming trash can.

Today, the Google-owned company introduced a gaggle of new smartwatches and fitness trackers, including the new Sense, which claims it can help measure—and mitigate—your stress levels as you go through the day.

He hears the gaggle of geese, the trumpetings of wild swans, and the cry of the curlew as it hovers over the lights.

What if chickens gaggle, pharisaic goats piously turn up their eyes, and the dear little piggies grunt!

Then, with a clang of wings and a chorus of shrill quacks, a gaggle of wild duck got up and sped away into the dark.

When the geese gaggle,” says a rustic saw, “expect a change of weather.