Gawk [verb]

Definition of Gawk:

stare at in amazement

Synonyms of Gawk:

Opposite/Antonyms of Gawk:


Sentence/Example of Gawk:

Ere Alfred could reply, a big gawk chimed in with: "By the dust on their britches laigs I callerate they didn't ride much."

Several spectators stopped venting their wrath on the unfortunate man in the ring to gawk at the couple.

Well, Weener, are you going to stand there and gawk for the next twentyfour hours or are you coming back with us?

The silly old gawk has got hold of your father and has actually made the old man believe that you are bewitched!

She was tall and lean—a college friend had described her exactly as "half goddess and half gawk."

He looked like an educated gawk, a rural genius, a pied piper of motley followers.

"Don't gawk," said Marcus, restraining his own tendency to gaze around in bewilderment.

Young Absalom is a big, overgrown gawk of fourteen with no brain for anything but mischief.

A great gawk of a fellow, with eyes that always look as if he were in the middle of next week!

Cheese, instead of raising a hoof in my defense, dropped his ears and looked complacently on my animated heap like a country gawk.