Goobers [noun]
Definition of Goobers:
Synonyms of Goobers:
Opposite/Antonyms of Goobers:
Sentence/Example of Goobers:
You ain' hut er mite, honey, 'n' you's still got de goober fer de squirl.
Say, Si, it'll be easier lookin' for Goober Crick in a boat than wading through the mud.
"Yes, this is Goober Crick," said the old man, with an air of recalling an old acquaintance.
And my partin' glimpse of 'em was at eleven-fifty-six, when they pushed through the gate bound for Goober, Georgia.
He was the "star" witness in the sensational Goober case, about which the whole city, and in fact the whole country was talking.
I've got witnesses that I want kept hidden, and I don't dare put them here for fear of the Goober crowd.
Peter would be a most important witness for the Goober defense, and they must take good care of him.
If Peter could help in such matters, he would come out of the Goober case a rich man.
Anyhow, Sadie would have to think first of the Goober case, just as little Jennie had done.
Among this group of professional jurors, there was the keenest competition to get into the jury-box of the Goober case.