Grandfathers [noun]

Definition of Grandfathers:


Synonyms of Grandfathers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Grandfathers:


Sentence/Example of Grandfathers:

He rarely saw him or spoke to him when he was young, and his grandfather died while he was in college.

During that time, his stepfather and both grandfathers died, and he had to clean out their homes, too.

Many, many, many people on Twitter claimed Sanders as their uncle or grandfather.

Ilya Samsonov’s grandfather loved the game, and in time, so did he.

Her grandfather lived around the corner from my grandfather.

In the last phone conversation with my grandfather, the day before his wife’s funeral, I told him I weighed the same as he did, only I’m five inches taller, so my frame holds it better.

My grandfather felt that time was happening to him most keenly when he saw its impact on those around him, especially those he loved, who were much younger than he was, and should have been less impacted by it.

The virus hit the refugee community from Myanmar particularly hard, sickening many working-age adults, and taking the life of Day Reh, the 85-year-old grandfather of Ei Meh, who has family members who work at Tyson.

She was stopped while driving home from dropping off some medications she’d picked up at Walmart for her grandfather.

If you have an immunosuppressed person or a grandfather who’s 92 years old, the risk is great.