Grazing [adjective]

Definition of Grazing:


Synonyms of Grazing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Grazing:


Sentence/Example of Grazing:

In one project in Montana, for example, ranchers generate offsets through carefully managed grazing that benefits prairie grasses, which in turn help store carbon in the soil.

In the case of regenerative grazing, for example, ranchers might not normally be willing to take the financial risk of the fencing, equipment, and labor hours needed to implement a new system.

Shifts back and forth from grassy plains to forests denied large animals, such as elephants, regular access to former grazing areas.

Faults in the landscape also reduced the size of any available grazing areas.

For most of the way the country is flat and fertile, and in good part devoted to Grazing, though considerable Wheat is grown.

Without warning, we found ourselves foul of a picket-line, and the vague forms of grazing horses loomed close by.

In an open stretch of meadow he came upon a white horse and a mule grazing contentedly.

Our destination is the Silver Falls Project, a fine body of rolling land, suitable for either grazing or farming.

Mister Finch, the grazing master, always lenient and forebearing, is seeking to recover past due payments.

If I get possession in the next two years, and you allot me the grazing rights to that area, I'll pay you the balance.