Guilds [noun]

Definition of Guilds:

association, fellowship

Synonyms of Guilds:

Opposite/Antonyms of Guilds:

Sentence/Example of Guilds:

The king's statue was again set up in Guild hall, London, and the states arms taken down.

In order to become a master, a workman had to produce a masterpiece, which was always dedicated to the saint of his guild.

The Collahuayas of Peru were a guild of itinerant quacks and magicians, who never remained permanently in one spot.

I said the Guild of St. Wilfrid—that's our servers' guild, you know—was absolutely in favour of defiance, open defiance.

Made for the Guild of Armourers, from the first day on which it was set up it has been beloved.

Tem Rend's application had finally been accepted by the Assassin's Guild.

He attracted men, not only the best in his own guild, but the highest in the State and in affairs.

You are really one of us now, as I said; and I always feel strongly the ties of the literary guild.

To provide for the payment of fines each guild maintained a common purse.

Don led the Carpenters' Guild, looking like nothing else than a handsome boy Christ.