Halfwitted [adjective]

Definition of Halfwitted:


Synonyms of Halfwitted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Halfwitted:


Sentence/Example of Halfwitted:

They seem to address the blind eye and the sluggish mind of the halfwitted.

It had cost her such an effort to try to make it plain without just coming out and saying he was halfwitted.

She was gazing across the field to where her halfwitted brothers worked, while he was thinking how thoughtful she was.

It was even said that he prided himself on being halfwitted.

They looked up then, as across the field her halfwitted brothers were approaching.

The halfwitted girl alone remained with the center group, making aimless passes, with ill-regulated hands, at Aunt Judy.

No, Mr. Stigler was not there, so a halfwitted, deformed lad informed him.