Haughtinesses [noun]

Definition of Haughtinesses:

air of supremacy

Synonyms of Haughtinesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Haughtinesses:

Sentence/Example of Haughtinesses:

"He was not in my service," said Nigel, with a sudden, very English stiffness that was almost like haughtiness.

But he was past reason now, and he was not the man to brook haughtiness, however courteously it might be cloaked.

He had treated the German nobility with haughtiness; this plain scholar he treated as an equal.

With much of his father's haughtiness of manner he combined a tactfulness and self-control which his father never exhibited.

Then my fear left and great joy came; perhaps even some pride and haughtiness of spirit in that I had been chosen for such a task.

I like your spirit—I care not for your haughtiness; but I will not help you up the ladder to be kicked down myself.

But in this hour of humiliation she bore herself with all the haughtiness and disdain for which she was afterwards to be noted.

His haughtiness is said to have offended them; they refused, and the English Church owes nothing to its British predecessor.

He received me as a Roman Emperor would have done, and with a haughtiness I never saw in any person but himself.

Oh, poor Jacques Bonhomme, as the nobility in its insolent haughtiness loves to call you, your day of deliverance is approaching!